There may be the situation where you are missing one, a few, several or all your teeth. You have tried dentures and are tired of the plastic removal teeth. Dental bridges may be a good option to replace some teeth but they break down after a while. One of the best options available to replace missing teeth is dental implant treatment. Dental implants are titanium post that are anchored into the jaw bone to which a single crown (tooth), a few crowns or a full set of teeth can be attached. The crowns (new teeth) are non removable. Only a dentist can remove the teeth if necessary. Almost every dentist in your area probably provides dental implant treatment.
But which dentist do you go to? And if there is a recommended dentist by a friend, how do you know if that dentist is good? To help you understand, there are different types of dentist. There are general dentist (family or cosmetic) and there are dental specialist such as an oral surgeon, periodontist or a prosthodontist. Collectively they are all known as dentists.
Once you begin your journey to search for a dental implant dentist you probably will discover quickly that:
1) some dentist perform the dental implant placement surgery only. Usually the oral surgeon, periodontist or a general dentist (cosmetic or family dentist), may perform the dental implant surgery
2) some dentist restore (or make a tooth or teeth) the dental implant(s). The general dentist or a prosthodontist usually restore the dental implants.
3) some dentist can perform both procedures (perform the dental implant surgery and restore the dental implant)
Which option do you go with? It can become confusing. Sometimes your general or family dentist will refer you to a dental specialist such as an oral surgeon or a periodontist for the dental implant surgery. After the dental implant surgery, your dentist will restore the dental implant. Other times your dentist will perform the dental implant surgery and restore the dental implant.
So which dental implant dentist(s) do you go with?
The general dentist only? The prosthodontist/general dentist and/or the oral surgeon/periodontist?
Here are some factors to consider to help you decide.
1) What type of health issues do you have? Are these health issues significant? If so, some patients may choose a dental specialist like an oral surgeon for the dental implant surgery.
2) How involved is your treatment? Is extensive bone grafting required in addition to dental implant surgery? Does the dentist know how to perform bone grafting procedures.
3) Level of anxiety? Some patients may require sedation for the procedures. Does the dentist provide this option?
What to ask to help determine if the dentist is right for you.
1) How many dental implants have the dentist placed?
2) How many dental implants have the dentist restored?
3) Has your family or friends been treated by the dentist with a satisfactory result?
4) Is there a photo gallery of before and after pictures of patients treated by that dentist?
5) Are there any video testimonials of dental implant patients treated by the doctor?
6) Are their any reviews on the internet that patients have written? Google, facebook etc.
7) What is the biography of the dentist?
8) Do you feel comfortable with the dentist and have a sense of trust?
For more information on dental implants visit or contact us at 352-243-5599
Dr. Ronald Achong is a Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon that provides dental implant treatment in the Orlando and Clermont area.