The following is a list of preoperative instructions which will simplify your surgical appointment. Specific arrangements should be made if these instructions cannot be followed.
- Loose clothing should be worn (short sleeve shirt). Do not wear contact lenses, jewelry on (wrist, ears, neck or nose), acrylic nails, nail polish, high heeled shoes or flip flops to your surgical appointment.
- If you are having General Anesthesia (Sedation):
- For morning appointments you should have nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to the appointment.
- For afternoon appointments, eat a light breakfast eight (8) hours before your appointment and skip lunch. Failure to comply WILL result in rescheduling your appointment.
- If you are having General Anesthesia (Sedation): You need a responsible adult, who can drive (No Uber, Lift or Taxi Transportation will be accepted), your escort must accompany you and remain in the waiting room during your surgery. Escort will not be allowed in the operatory before or after surgery. Someone should be with you at home through the evening after surgery.
- It is advisable not to bring small children to the office.
- No consumption of alcohol or illegal substances prior to or after surgery.
- If you are taking medications on a regular basis, continue to do so unless otherwise instructed.
Our goal is to provide you with a safe, pleasant and effective anesthetic. In order to do this it is imperative that we have your full cooperation. Please feel free to ask or call about any questions concerning your surgery or anesthetic.
For Sedated Patients
Please bring with you to your appointment or take the following medication before your appointment:
- Take Blood Pressure Medication (with a sip of water) before surgery (If you are being sedated).
- Bring Glucometer (to test sugars before surgery)
- Bring Asthma Inhaler
- Do not take Diabetic medication the morning of (if you are being sedated)
La siguiente es una lista de instrucciones preoperatorias que simplificará su cita quirúrgica. Deberían adoptarse medidas específicas si no se siguen estas instrucciones.
- Debe usar vestuario suelto (camisa de manga corta). No usar lentes de contacto, joyas en las (orejas, nariz, cuello o muñecas), uñas acrílicas, esmalte de uñas, zapatos de tacón alto o sandalias a la cita quirúrgica.
- Para anestesia General (sedación):
- Para citas por la tarde, comer un desayuno ligero 8 ocho horas antes de su cita y no tomar almuerzo. Incumplimiento resultará en la reprogramación de la cita.
- Para citas por la tarde, comer un desayuno ligero 8 ocho horas antes de su cita y no tomar almuerzo. Incumplimiento resultará en la reprogramación de la cita.
- Para anestesia General (sedación): necesita un adulto responsable, que pueda conducir (No se aceptarán Uber, Lift o transporte de Taxi), su escolta debe acompañarte y permanecer en la oficina durante la cirugía. Alguien debe estar con usted en casa durante la noche después de la cirugía.
- Se recomienda no llevar niños pequeños a la oficina.
- No consumo de alcohol o sustancias ilegales antes o después de la cirugía
- Si usted está tomando medicamentos regularmente, continúan haciéndolo al menos que le indiquemos lo contrario.
Our goal is to provide you with a safe, pleasant and effective anesthetic. In order to do this it is imperative that we have your full cooperation. Please feel free to ask or call about any questions concerning your surgery or anesthetic.
Para los pacientes sedados
Por favor traiga con usted a su cita o tomar los siguientes medicamentos antes de su cita:
- Tomar el medicamento de presión arterial (con un sorbo de agua) antes de la cirugía (si usted está siendo sedado).
- Traer su Glucómetro (para prueba de azúcares antes de la cirugía)
- Traer su inhalador de asma
- No tome medicina diabética la mañana de su cirugía (si usted está siendo sedado)