Sedation Dentistry

sedation dentistry orlando

We at Oral-Facial Surgical Arts understand that patients are very nervous and anxious to have any oral surgery procedure. We are here to make your experience as pleasant as possible. The sedation that we offer will put you asleep and make you comfortable during your procedure. Patients often feel that their surgical procedure only lasted as long as a blink of the eye!

Please contact any of our offices in Orlando or Clermont if you have any questions regarding any of the sedation options we offer. If you are scheduled for sedation please remember:

    • Nothing to eat or drink (not even water or chewing gum) for eight (8) hours prior to the procedure
    • A responsible adult (over the age of 18) must accompany the patient, remain in the office while the procedure is being performed and then take the patient home
    • The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours after the anesthesia
    • Please wear loose fitting, short sleeved clothing and flat shoes (no flip flops or high heels)
    • If you are a contact lens wearer, please wear your glasses on the day of surgery
    • Jewelry and dentures must be removed  prior to the surgery
    • Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup or dark colored nail polish on the day of your surgery
    • If you have an illness- such as cold, cough, congestion, stomach or bowel upset- please notify the office prior to your scheduled surgery day
    • If you take routine medications, please check with Dr. Achong  prior to your surgical date for instructions


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