If you are missing all of your teeth and do not want to wear dentures or tired of wearing dentures, then this is a great option for you. The All on 4 dental implant treatment concept make all of those denture problems go away forever. Eat and enjoy the foods you once enjoyed. This amazing treatment option replaces a full set of teeth using only 4 dental implants in each jaw in as little as one day. Yes, one day! It is very possible to be sedated, have 4 dental implants placed and a new set of teeth delivered in your mouth the same day. This procedure is provided routinely in Orlando and Clermont, Florida.
Advantages of the all on 4 dental implant procedure.
1) Cost effective solution. Your new replacement teeth require only 4 dental implants for each jaw. With fewer implants required, the cost is lower.
2) Reduced need for bone grafting. The special tilting of 2 of the implants ensures a secure and stable anchorage for the replaced arch, typically making bone grafting unnecessary.
3) Faster treatment and healing time. Your new replacement set of teeth can be attached onto your implants immediately after the implants are placed. There is no need to wait for healing time between surgery and delivery of the new set of teeth.
To learn more about the procedure visit www.nobelbiocare.com
Dr. Ronald Achong provides the all on 4 dental implant procedure in Clermont or the Orlando area. Contact our office (352) 243-5599